Thursday, July 31, 2003

So, i'm on my overnight tonight. Home for the night; I leave again tomorrow evening. And of course, tonight's the night that most of you are out.

Wait, let's start name dropping!

One of the girls in my bunk was looking at my pictures, most of which are from the two most recent plays. She looks closely at one of the pictures, points to Eddie and says "I know him." She might know some more of you as well, since she spent her first month this summer at Ft. Washington day camp. Julian Robins, anyone? She's really cute.

Also, there's a girl from Scarsdale in my bunk. Debra, do you perchance know an Arynne Wexler? She's awesome as well. My second month girls are just really cool.

Ok, that's it for name dropping. Mayhaps I'll talk to some of you tomorrow [well, today, technically...].

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Jurassic Park IV

No more rumors, it's final. I don't know how many of you were there, but last night after a fabulous viewing of the Pirates of the Caribbean, Jurassic Park IV came up, and we all groaned. They don't need another film...but that link proves it's all true. In fact, there's a little connection with Pirates of the Caribbean which surprised me. Check it out!

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

So, I've narrowed my courses down, which is good b/c I have to register for them by Friday. I'm signing up for Intro To Acting, "What's so funny about comedy?" (a writing course), spanish-140 (I took the placement test this weekend and got placed in the higher intermediate spanish), and either intro to psych or general chemistry. If I take psych, my schedule will be rediculously easy and nice and laid back, but I'll be behind in chem. If I take chem, I'll have to get up early, have a class from 4 - 5 on Fridays, and have less free time, but not be behind, and the schedule should be managable. Everything fell more into place once I eliminated German, which sucks cause I always wanted to take it.

public service announcement...

friday, 10:30 am to 12, 1 to 2:30... broad and south street, the arts bank.. our musical theater camp 'final show'... featuring the following

- Bobos, a wild and crazy tale of a lost soul with some 'really hip' (chuck taylors) sneakers
- Cinderella Darling, a song from how to succeed in business... yeah, it's really good! or at least i hope so because they haven't been having rehearsals lately
- Pirates of Penzance, some Gilbert and Sullivan (Patience!) dealio that features my heretofore unknown sister Ashley getting busy with a pirate named Justin. no, i'm not in this one either
- Gemini, something I'm personally not in, but its really cool and Anthony Comis has a solo
- Cabaret, in all its prostitutional glory. i'm Cliff for about two seconds, its fun
- Rodgers-Hammerstein medley. so good
- Rent's Seasons of Love for all you Rent fanatics

so there we go. and bring a backup plan for wandering the streets of philadelphia because i'm not sure if tickets are available.

My mom and I spent 17 hours in the hostpital today, starting at 7 a.m. I went to bed at 1, got up at 6 to drive her cause she really wasn't feeling well. Then we hurried up and waited. We got home around midnight.

I hope they fixed her.

Monday, July 28, 2003

How do you document real life
When real life is getting more
Like fiction each day
Headlines - bread-lines
Blow my mind
And now this deadline
"Eviction - or pay"

How do you write a song
When the chords sound wrong
Though they once sounded right and rare
When the notes are sour
Where is the power
You once had to ignite the air

And we're hungry and frozen

Some life that we've chosen

How we gonna pay
How we gonna pay
How we gonna pay
Last year's rent

Hot. Too bad we're doing Seasons of Love.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

All the cast pictures - Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, and all your favorites...Not a bad find.

Sirius Black and Aragorn from Lord of the Rings look strikingly familiar, and I'm thinking that the dementors will have an uncanny resemblance to the Ringwraiths (Naz-gul)...Coincidence? I think not...

Sunday, July 27, 2003

I'm coming back tomorrow. Remember me?
I expect I'll see a few of you immediately, in fact I bet some of you haven't actually left my house. I miss you all a lot and can't wait to see you. But I think I'll need a day to recoup before I start mad partying, who am I kindding? I can't stop the partying. =)
I'm so bummed to leave, but knowing I get to see y'all makes it easier to get on the plane.
Love you and dying to see you all!!!

1 day.

Saturday, July 26, 2003

2 days.

Friday, July 25, 2003

So hoorah for mental breakdowns about college and course selections that are due by August 1st. And hip hip hooray for calling people at 12:15 in the morning to express my breakdown. It did make me feel better, though, so thanks, Tom.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

i still miss you all, but the thought of leaving here in a few days is heartbreaking. i'm having a blast, partying, playing cards, making friends, stalking dave...i mean, what? no, i'm not really, i'm actually much more reasonable about him now. i swear =). i just feel so much at home here. but it'd be better if i could see you people. it's not quite home without you. =)
rachel- i'm sitting in a cafe with my journal TODAY (if i can get away).

and a question: is tom working at fwdc? and if he is, when did this start? and how much have i missed?!!?

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

For those of you who didn't know I was gone...

I'm back!

Tilly, I hear you. SAM!! WHERE IS MY CHAMBERS CD??? Tom...maybe you can tell him some people want it.

I want my chambers CD.

Monday, July 21, 2003

I had a revelation.

It actually would be somewhat enjoyable to be a Backstreet Boy.

A) You could have any woman of your choice between the ages of 13 and 21. They would flock to you like bees to that half full can of coke on the street corner. The words menage a trois would become second nature, like "hi-o" or "yo baby, wanna take a ride?"
B) You'd get to sing for a living.
C) You'd be phenomenally rich as a result of said way of life.

With that said, I'm listening to the Backstreet Boys cd now. The one called Millennium. I already know all these songs by heart, all I need now is a receptive musically theatrically inclined babe ready to listen. By the way, I sang Barely Breathing to two women today and it was pretty successful.

By the way, this is MY BROTHER'S Cd I'm listening to.

Sunday, July 20, 2003

It's bloody hot. And there is no air conditioning in my house to my knowledge...just fry me with some eggs and you've got yourself breakfast.

Friday, July 18, 2003

i know you all miss me horribly...
well, either way, i miss you all horribly!
belgium is wonderful, i'm having the time of my life. i found my cute belgian waiter again. giggle. and london was really great, kind of a whirlwind of a trip, though. but all in all everything is really just fabulous. *GRIN*
much love! i'll see you all in a week or so. comment if you want presents (tell me what you want).

Monday, July 14, 2003

If your skippy's got no CLASSSSSSSSSSSSS
You come in last

That about sums up my musical theater camp experience thus far.

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Well I need a cell phone, there's no doubt about that. I really do. But the question is, which cell phone do I need? I'm definately looking for the coolest and most outrageous phone out there, so if any ideas are floating around your mind, let me know! As of now, I've got one or two in mind...

The Matrix Phone!

i am bored and awake and just back from a 3am drug run.

i demand entertainment.

Monday, July 07, 2003

Hey all! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend and got to see pretty fireworks! (I DID!! I saw the NYC fireworks from the George Washington Bridge...esooper cool!)

Also, welcome home Tom! Sorry the trip was cut short but glad u made it home safely. Hope everyone else's summer is going well. I don't have much news to report, call me a waste but I have no job and no official activity, but it's super nice and relaxing. I think the people at the gym are getting sick of seeing me (and my mom too!) jk jk...

Just wanted to say hi!

As far as I know, i'll be in NYC for my day off tomorrow. Debra, will you be around? I'll call you!

And, in response to the email I got from M'ris on a different email account, envelopes filled with anything [excluding the illegal stuff] is fine. SWAK packages go through without a problem, and any package will get to me eventually, especially if it has a return address/green sticker.

I love you all!

Sunday, July 06, 2003

So, I guess its summer huh.

I remember with my moyer exam right before the thing I was like "So, guys, I guess we have a moyer exam today, huh.." because they were all freaking out. Ha-ha! I'll have to show you what I mean later when we have another brutal test and stuff. Heh.

Yo, crazy fact of the day: my next door neighbor is going to the same university of the arts program as I; except she's big into art and i'm big into musical theater so you know how that goes. Or maybe not. Anywho, I find it pretty crazy that my next door neighbor is doing this too. Maybe there's some karmic connection.. of a physical manner.. that I need to discover between us. Is there a wink icon on this blog? Dangit.

Question: what's the accepted spelling of theater, as in musical theater. I, myself, am of the esteemed opinion that the correct spelling for such vernacular is the above, however many heathens that I have encountered upon my travels on this earth worship the false idols of 'theatre'. Should I smite them down with the holy power of the lord, or let them live their wretched lives of deceit? Let me know.

By the way, Greg Osby (borrowing the Tom-bolding-music term) is amazing.. Later all.

Friday, July 04, 2003

Ready? No...ok, ready?? This is it...
Ok, so here is the official deal-io for this evening:
Go fireworking in the arena of your choice (remember, no choice is the wrong choice). THEN, come back here, to Pringledom, for an all night over-the-top fourth of july EXTRAVAGANZA (aka, the typical dinshig here, complete with lack of couch space and fully stocked fridge). People should get here around 1030 (the house should be unlocked if I'm not there already, so just go on in).
Problems solved? hope so! call me if you're still befuddled, confuzzled, or just plain befrazzled.

Thursday, July 03, 2003

So there is much controversy surrounding tomorrow evening's plans. Thusfar, I dunno about fireworks except that Wissahickon is usually a mob scene, and I'll be nearer to Narberth come firework time, so methinks I'll be ending up there. I propose everyone does their own thing for fireworks, and then we all just meet up for a party afterwards. Methinks it will be here, but I'm still waiting to hear from Katie. So, I'll post about it tomorrow, and call me if you need to know anything (and I mean ANYTHING, like, what is the meaning of life, why did the chicken cross the road, etc.). Ok, I'm going now. Goodbye.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003


i have not posted in a long ass time, sorry y'all! been crazy busy.

i went to orientation at UMich (AWESOME TIME!)

graduation (finally!)

went to bethany beach, DE/ potomac, MD this weekend (sunburnt!) but i waved to u all when i drove by!

and now i am jobless and well, i can't find a job! uh-oh...mommy and daddy are not happy! we'll see...

hope everyone else is enjoying summer and this LOVELY HEAT AND SUN! (and i am not being sarcastic) and 4th of july is on friday...YAY! par-tay! :o)

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

People, I'm leaving the country in less than a week, and I haven't seen most of you for AGES! This is an outrage! So I need to see y'all before I get on that plane on Monday.
Ah, and, as is tradition, I'm trying to find someone to stay up til 12:36 tonight with me so that I can be officially 16 (weird tradition, I know...). Any takers?