Monday, September 29, 2003

tonite i went to a weakerthans show. it ruled.

in further news, i came home to discover that i have recieved a bid from Theta Pi Gamma, a local sorority on campus. (for all you non greeks, a bid is a small piece of paper with a very lengthy invitation from a greek organization that essentially says " hey! we like j00! pl33z j0in our group!")

I may end up being the world's most un-sorority-like sorority girl. (theta, for the record, was rumored to be MTVs first choice during the first season of sorority life.)

it does mean i have to miss the nada surf/ozma/reputation show. i'm not sure how i feel about that.

i also recieved word that i am supposed to write the Kill Hannah review for the school paper. the show was fri. i found out sun night. it's due tues. bleah. (if you like placebo, TOM, you'll like kill hannah. go to their website and find music.)

Sunday, September 28, 2003

In approximately five days, the Hilltones of Chestnut Hill Academy will be putting on a display of the most enthusiastic "Hut-Hut's" the student body has ever witnessed in memory of our very own Czar. He was the ultimate, and he will never be surpassed in this art.

Now I've got to memorize symbols of the Periodic Table. I'm...just beaming with excitement...

Guster shows win. That is all. =)

Ok, ok, I'll give more details.
So it took us FOREVER to get there, seeing as we had never heard of the place. Once finding it, we got in, got hotdogs (with crazy condiments), and found "seats". (We were actually standing, but had good spots). Eventually the show started. GREAT opening act. Sam Roberts. Fucking amazing. Canadian guys with a classic rock sound, with a punk edge. Brilliant. Then came Guster. YAY! SO good! At one point, various mascots came onstage and had a bit of a brawl (think of Swoop at the show at the Factory). Just amazing. They just keep getting better. The one downside was this drunken 12yrold (we think..) who had an ongoing chorus of "Guster, you fuckin' kick fuckin' ass! WOOOOO!!!". He was soo annoying!!! But worth it!!! AWESOME SHOW!! YAY GUSTER!!!

Love Guster. Don't eat them.

Saturday, September 27, 2003


Friday, September 26, 2003

We need a big home-for-the-holidays/weekend celebration somewhere. Sat night? I wanna see everyone. I'm gonna try to go to set for real this time!

Thursday, September 25, 2003


Otherwise...AP Euro is life. Followed by my English teacher.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

I felt inspired by Tillman's post. However, I am going to be a bit more succinct.

- School: tough, yet certainly manageable. The workload appears to be something I can handle; however, I'll definitely need to bump up my effort, especially with two big APs creating a black hole in my academic schedule.
- Players: not really something I can comment on, as I've been at rehearsal for all of an hour. However, readings on Sunday went well and I'm beginning to get to know my characters. I'm sure that further progress will be made as the rehearsal routine continues and more people get into the groove. Set crew might not be on the table, but I'll try to get down to the Rec whenever I can.
- Hilltones: moving pretty well, and camp was a hit.. I think that a lot of the "five minute wonders" that we worked on at choir camp will work very well (esp. for performance), because the patterns are easy and the solos are not as taxing as the newer stuff. I mean, stuff like Superman and This is the Night are great concepts, but can anyone actually hit more than half of the notes in (edited) the solos of these songs? It will be interesting to see how those two songs in particular progress.

Well it's been forever and a day since I last posted, but it's time to change all that. Between school and players, girls and Hilltones, I've finally come to the conclusion that junior year isn't going to be nearly as hard as it's been made out to be by some of our closer friends. Things are just going so well right now, and if it was up to me, not many things would change.

Hilltones finally learned A Cappella over at Choir Camp, which was really important as it's the opening piece for every concert we do. Anthony made an excellent choice in slowing it down, because no matter how you look at it, we raced that song last year, like seriously made it fly. The new tempo is good, and consistent. Skyler, Jimmy, Anthony, and Pat have the solos with Jeff providing that rich alto sound for the opening 'duet' and yours truely going 'Hey, hey!'.

Players is going to be deep. And I've got a monologue the size of a fucking rhinosaurus. Skyler has to find a way to change characters in one line, but that'll probably be remedied or slowed, or something. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do players, I'm nowhere near talented enough.

And school...hmm...I'm in slow, but entertaining classes; a good enviornment for me. My art will pick up again once the fucking tech-guys at Springside decide to install Bryce 5/Bryce Lighting, a little program that'll let me sabotage the lab by creating a render farm...I'll post the image once it's finished.

So I guess that's about it for right now. Phew...I feel better.

A squirrel almost fell on me today. I was walking to my acting class looking at a piece of paper, when I heard a rustle from above. Some drops of rain fell on my paper, and a squirrel fell onto the ground next to me (about two feet away) with a loud THUNK.

Sunday, September 21, 2003

So in a bit I get to go to Players (woohoo!!!), and then go from there to Bumblefuck (aka Choir Camp - another woohoo!!).
So it's a WOOHOO sort of day. =)
Hope your day is as woohoo as mine!

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

So nothing quite beats the rush one gets when these words are floating through the air: "Cast list is up."

AH!!!! So I had to run up to CHA from the cave to see it, and got leaked on (there was a leak right above it), but it was soo worth it! I actually have a part! And it's the one I wanted but didn't think I would get, which just sort of adds to the excitement.
Set crew is a blast and a half (but as usual, it's my task to clean up after these silly boys who don't understand the concept of organization...).
So, as crazy as Junior year, clearly, for me, Players makes it all ok. =)

We have no water in my dorm. This blows.

new APC albumm is finally here and is fucking brilliant. BRILLIANT.

sue, does it bother you as much as it bothers me that they're all out in the big wide world and they're STILL overachievers????

jeebus, why are all y'all so great. congrats, everyone.

i, however, have the apc album. and you don't. m'ris wins. =)

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Ok, I know the suspense has been killing you all, so here's a story!

A woman from PAC, the performing arts council, called me to tell me that I had gotten into a few different a capella groups, and that I had a week to decide. I could go to rehearsals, and I could go out tonight with two of the groups. I got into OFF THE BEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!, COUNTERPARTS, and Quaker Notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! So I told her I think I wanna be in OTB, but that I'd like a few days to decide, and that I'd like to go out with them tonight. Basically the only reason I wouldn't be in OTB is if they are all assholes, get totally smashed and high and try to get me to do the same. Hopefully this will not happen. So, now off to get ready to go out (they're supposed to come get me between 12:30 and 1).


Friday, September 12, 2003

So the killer workload that everyone talks about Junior year just hit. It's tons of fun. =)
School's school-ish. Not much has changed (y'all should be sooo happy you're at college...).
Player's auditions have started (woohoo!!!). I'm pretty stoked. And set crew tomorrow!! (Rach, I'm gonna be the only girl!!).
And Choir Camp is coming up. Why is it that the highlight of the year for that class is in September? We're left with no hope for the rest of the long year.
And the highlight of my week continues to be Tuesday nights at 10 (or whatever, depending on where you are across the country), Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. It makes my life.
It's so weird to be posting from the lab at school, and not have all of you nearby...
Ok, I'm done.

Thursday, September 11, 2003


We are very pleased to offer you a place in our group. The competition
was fierce and you were the best!! :)

Please be in your rooms tonight at 11:15 for a special surprise.


:-D yay!!!! I have to wait till Saturday for the rest!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Called back for OTB, Counterparts, Quaker Notes, and Dischord. Not Penny Loafers. Three callbacks tonight, OTB tomorrow night. I think I'm doing Fiona Apple's Criminal for callbacks.

Ok, so I find out the rest of callbacks tomorrow, but I got an email from Dischord saying I got called back. Hopefully more good news later ::keeping my fingers crossed::

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

WHEW! I'm done my auditions! Today I auditioned for the Penny Loafers, Counterparts, and Dischord. They all seemed to be impressed...I hope!! I get this high after auditioning, and I'm really hyper and jumpy now. Except less than before, because I've walked all over tarnation today (to auditions, back, to, back, to, and back). So. Wish me luck in getting called back, and getting in! (I WANNA BE IN OTB! I WANNA BE IN OTB!)

drew krausen has a doppelganger, and he goes to beloit. his name is ghengis and tho i was sketched out at first, now that i understand that drew has been cloned, it all makes sense and i'm the happiest little girl in the world. everything from hand gestures to sayings uttered only by them to the fact that yes, they even look the fucking same and have a girlfriend that they think they'll be with forever and we've never fucking met.

he's the only member of the freshman class that i don't hate and i don't think i've been this excited about a person since i met perhaps daid. only i always felt like i was trying to impress daid, and with ghengis it feels like i've been friends with him for years. because, i suppose, he IS drew.

life is currently very exciting.

and class tomorrow involves a single 1pm class, which is only 2 hours of movie watching. rok.

Monday, September 08, 2003

Tonight I auditioned for OTB and Quaker Notes. Quaker Notes is an all girls group, and they're good. Of course...I'm DYING to be in OTB. They seemed pretty impressed. I hope I get in!!! Both had me do scales, but QN had me do scales as high and low as I could go...OTB just had me go kinda high. I sang St. Theresa by Joan Osborne (just the first verse and chorus). Both groups also had me do the random note thing (they play random notes, I sing them). I did well on both of those, except for the last one for OTB, for which I totally screwed up the last note. Tomorrow I have auditions for the Penny Loafers (like OTB but slightly less energetic), Dischord (co-ed a capella...I think they're a community service group...I haven't heard them sing but I hear they're good), and Counterparts (co-ed Jazz & pop group...pretty good).

If I get into OTB I'll be as excited as I was when I got into college.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

I love life! Its gonna be a great year, I can feel it...

To add onto Jeff's post:
- Hilltones rocks..
- Laramie will rock..
- Having 5th-8th free rocks, and should relieve academic pressure
- All co-ed classes rocks..

I was going to do a little Clay Aiken quotage now, I was so excited. But I'll save that for another day.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Dude. School. Weird. Usually it feels like I should be in school, but this year it just feels wrong.
But it's going to be a good year. I've been asked to help head the school's dance company, I set up my dance ISP, we're definately doing The Laramie Project for Players, and I've confirmed that I'm still madly in love with my French teacher. =)
I'd still rather sleep til noon, though.