Wednesday, April 30, 2003


It's too long to walk down to Springside and back in time for Driver's Ed...and too long to sit up here and fact, it seems like forever. But, last Driver's Ed class! No more Mr. Bill after this afternoon! EVER! Ah, thank god. And he says he won't talk much this time, meaning I don't have to worry about the raining spit.
So all I can do is just wait.

Update: Um...where the fuck was Mr. Bill? Wissahickon room: empty. Library: Mr. Cardoso(a?), one else...meaning, I still have more Driver's Ed stuff to do. I'm going to kill myself, when does it end?!

BTW, juniors on this blog are excluded from the "stupid" juniors I refer to.

Those stupid juniors have taken over the SENIOR RETREAT! We're not gone yet, suckers.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Damn all the fun I'm having at Players. I miss being online and talking to people. 6 - 10 PM rehersals directly following a track meet is seriously not good for the social scene outside of the cult that is Players.

I really miss you all, even if you don't miss me.

For all of you who watch American Idol: Clay Aiken's voice is orgasmic.

This weekend is looking promising...

Bleck. Chamber's audition music. Yick.

you know it's bad when your away message looks like this:

this little piggy went to amy's class, this little piggy stayed home. this little piggy had a 20 page paper to write, this little piggy had none. and this little piggy ::points to self:: has been having an anxiety attack for the past 4 hours and is no closer to being finished and is FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT and i'm going to die, do you understand? DIE. Fucking fail the class and fail school and DIE, and oh god, it doesn't end, and i don't know what to do and yes, it's going to continue to be like this for the rest of the night and isn't there a corner i can crawl into and hide?

my sister made a rachel-like comment today. i will give no background, it's funnier that way, she said:

"i don't like when other people cut my cheese"


oh, and someone said to me today: "Hey Rachel, your boobs look bigger!!!" what am i supposed to say to THAT!?

It all started at 4:30 this morning.

All of a sudden, just now, this popped into my head:

"What to do, what to say
Shall you carry our treasure away...
What a gem, what a pearl
Beyond rubies is our little girl..."

Monday, April 28, 2003

Sounds like the weekend was a success! Glad everyone had fun :o)

Unfortunately, Edgemont prom is not looking to be so hot...grrr. I hate petty people and catty girls.

And I decided on Sunday that I never want to get old.

I haven't enjoyed being percieved as this fucked up in a while.

a few questions before i run

a) how does one get on stage crew?
b) if one misses the last two weeks of set, while working hard the rest of the time, does one move up the ladder? (or some equivalent)
c) when should I attend this play? thursday, friday, saturday? or all three? you get the picture

So I decided to take advantage of this beautiful day and lie out in my back yard while I did my history homework (or, kinda did it...). It was a really good way to relieve stress. I highly reccommend it.
And now I'm procrastinating s'more...

what if...

Sunday, April 27, 2003

here's hoping that someone sees this before the rep show tomorrow -- tom, when you go, could you please, PLEASE, a hundred times please, request crayola? You don't understand what i'd give to hear them play that again, and i fully intend to score a copy of the show as soon as Viv trees it.

Oh what a night...

Wow. Prom was a blast. I had a great time. The after prom time is something I'm a bit less enthusiastic about, but that was expected. And I'm proud of myself for the predictions come true that I made. All in all, a memorable night. Thanks, guys, for the memories.

Hmmm....oh well, back to bed.

Ah, post prom sleep deprivation. Of course, I didn't go to I technically could've slept before the limo picked me up. However, I was babysitting and one of the little girls decided that she should "sleep with me", which basically means jumping up and down on my bed and tackling me repeatedly. Hence, not much sleep was gained. Although I still made it to about 5 am before crashing, go me! (And woke up a little before It was fun though, and dramatic, of course.
Ah, and pirst fost, btw!

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Dear Everyone: Have fun at prom. i expect to hear all about it.

<3, Your stressed out college buddy

Fun night last night...and tonight promises to be just as fun. Went to Anna's for the April 14ther's late b-day party, brought all the hors d'ouevres (isn't it exciting - i understand that word now!) and drove all the way to trader joe's to get them - with my mom (and she's an awful backseat driver), turned people on to vegetarian chicken taquitos, ate a lot, played so major twister and tied with evan after battling it out for like, oh, 20 minutes maybe?, watched Gladiator (finally - and cried, and screamed...), and then went to Heather's. Fun night...and tonight after you all go to prom, I get to go to the afterparty in a limo! Woohoo!

Heather and I have decided that so much drama amounts to tonight that it'll be interesting to see who actually ends up with whom, lol.

The Pub is all layed out! Hooray!
It's going to look soooo awesome.

BTW, pirst fost!

Friday, April 25, 2003

So much commenting to be done!!

So I'm startin to get excited for tomorrow nails are done! But I'm already messing them up....I wasn't made to be all done up...

Mom and I had a date in the McDonald's parking lot, and then Dad joined us. It was like a drive-in or something. I highly reccommend it.

Guess who's badk...back again...BLOG IS BACK!!
Tell a friend...

Wow, you don't realize how addicted to the blog you are until you can't blog! Glad it's back!

I want to wish you all an AWESOME weekend and I hope you have ESOOPER FUN!

And I'm definitely agreeing with Deb rite now with the guy thing...really happy with them right now :o)

Debra: In reference to this post about waiting for that guy...does a guy like that exist? I'm starting to have doubts...

It's FRIDAY! YAY! And tomorrow is prom...The potential drama is enough to keep anyone intrigued.

Soon, everyone. Soon I will go to bed. And "accidentally" I will oversleep, because my alarm has been mysteriously set for 8:30.

Thursday, April 24, 2003

No. Nor can you interest me in a CLAM sandwich. Get my reference?

Dollzmania has gotten even tougher. When you click on the item you want, it now disappears and one must play the new "game" of "find it first" before you can create your doll.

I get sleep tonight!

The weather is pretty! (Hence, my mood is good)

Blogger sitll doesn't work!

...Random thoughts of the day.

Not yet to bed. First I must try to start my physio notecard.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

If you can't be sexy, fun and flattering with someone using words alone, how can you ever expect to be sexy, fun and flattering in person?

Ehh. It's gonna be another all-nighter. 2 in one week! Wow, how intense.

I don't know how to target Heather, Nat, Doris and I made Heather and her dream guy, her male whore and then his own whore. It was quite interesting.

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

I get to go to bed at a normal time tonight! Yay! And I got to have free time where I was online w/out really being supposed to be doing homework! Yay! ::dancedancedance::

The words of my father:

"I read your blog today; i read your blog every day. Today you wrote the word 'kill' in reference to a teacher."


"Need I say more?"

I think i'm going to scream. Wait, I already did. And told them to shut up, and slammed my door. I feel just like my brother... I used to think it was odd when he went off cursing [on account of my parents] and slammed his door. It's all starting to make sense now.

I need to try on a tux, eat dinner, and write a english paper all at once.

I'm excited.

I'm going to cry a river, build a bridge over it, and then walk across it.

For the first night in quite some time, I'm NOT doing block project stuf (yes, stuf, as in double stuf oreos), and I'm not even thinking of it! Yay!
The dance portion of the concert tomorrow night is going to so amazing...y'all better be there!!!
And Rachel - thanks for your contribution to my life's drama! (For those of you who don't know, she gave me 2 smutty romance novels for some "spice and drama". hehe).

so yeah the concert was good except for that whole non-chambers deal. ouch, maybe I am too critical of us, but it could have been better. either way it was uber fun and my parental unit (dad, for once.) enjoyed it. and yeah, steve just flipped a shit at a computer, it was outstanding. it beeped at him and so he smacked and was like "why do you keep talking, damnit!!!"

ahh good times in the cave.

i want it to be allergies, but it feels like bronchitis. crap.

Monday, April 21, 2003

Good job tonight, y'all...

Well, we tried. =)

And now for block project work. Woohoo! This is going to be an impossible week. But at least I have something to look forward to this weekend. I get to wear a pretty dress! Yay!

Ok, well, I'm just starting a 20oz bottle of Jolt, so I'll be up for a while.

Carmina is over! And it was a success! And I have such a crush on Procachino (sp?), aka gopher boy. Omg soooo amazing. Congrats to everyone on an excellent job (yes, including Laurelai, you guys really saved the piece in record time).

And now to my block project...who needs sleep?

Well, I was contemplating another odd metaphor...but I decided to spare you. =)
The block project is a nightmare, but I feel a bit more in control of things now (regardless of the lack of a third controlling idea with evidence...).
Now, this concert tomorrow night is something I do not feel in control's hoping...
Now I should go do that whole sleep thing...

A not-so-subtle way of ensuring I don't change the leet speak is to change the haloscan password.


Sunday, April 20, 2003

My block project is like taking a roadtrip through a desert.
It's an experience that one shares with friends.
It is an experience from which one grows, and changes, for better or for worse.
At the start, it's exciting, full of promise and adventure.
Along the way, it's mostly sand, vast stretches of nothingness, but here and there, you find some plants, trees, animals, and even some controlling ideas. If you're lucky, you find an oasis or a thesis statement. These are usually just mirages though.
But as the trip becomes longer, the excitement dies out, and stress sets in.
Now, this stress may be caused by the fact that you've spent so much time doing the same thing, but it's more likely that this stress is caused by the paranoia creeping over you that you may not ever reach your destination, and that you make die trying. You may die because of lack of supplies (such as water, food, or supporting evidence), or you may just simply lose your mind, and your friends will discard you on the side of the desert road as they continue on the journey. But now they've seen the worst, and they all know that it may well happen to them as well.

Perhaps I should call it quits for tonight on this paper...

Steve, I'm so worried about this concert it's not funny. Hilltones are meeting at the ungodly hour of 7:15 AM tomorrow. To practice. Singing. I guess we should have things memorized right? Nah...

i got a guitar; a martin rx1. its really cool..along with that i got a beginner book w/ included CD and DVD. major technology overload there, but the cd is really cool. I know two chords now, (of sorts), and a great little ditty called The spanish theme. Its a wonderfully complex piece of music, with assorted harmony changes and artistry. (Just kidding.) I'll practice when I have time.. heh.

anyone else sort of excited about the concert? my anxiety became a laid back feeling this weekend. its nice.

Tom: I have Chronicles, The Raistlin Chronicles, Legends, ... A few miscellaneous books (2nd generation). And I have some elminster books as well, although those aren't as good.

guess who's back!? It's me!
*new and improved* ;o)

i went to syracuse for the weekend and it was esooper fun! i got to hang out in a frat house (it was very Animal House-esque) and meet fun Jewish frat boys (who actually cooked an ENTIRE passover meal, that was EDIBLE and GOOD...I was very impressed). we also played PS2 and Trivial Pursuit, sounds really corny...but it was fun! and i can't really go into much more detail...

i also have to say, when you go to college, it really is much easier to stay up until 5 am and not even notice, i have no idea why...

wish all a happy holiday and hope everyone had fun weekends too :o)

So, I'm sitting in the room in my robe, listening to music, writing my paper...and suddenly the door opens and in walks...a little boy. A little boy, maybe 4?, that I've never seen before, and have no idea who he is or why he's in my room or even that he was in my house. He and I talk for a little while, he gives me a lucky penny, and says goodbye. Then, 2 minutes later, he comes back, followed by a 6 year old girl. They stay and we talk, they jump on my bed, and he tells me to keep that lucky penny and to just ask him if I'm ever in need of more. Don't you love it when random children visit you?

Happy Easter everyone (regardless of whether you celebrate it or not)!
And after waking up late, eating beaucoup de chocolate, and skipping out on church (oh, I'm so religious)...I have a block project paper to write. Oh joy. How long does it have to be again?

7.25 am, i have not been to sleep yet. why, you might ask? i, for one, blame daid. and his copy of minority report. which was pretty pretty pretty, and predictable as all hell.

i have decided that i do not, in fact, have plague, merely a wheezy form of leprosy, by which i mean allergies. my throat falling out is but a miserable side effect of such.

i still have no idea what i'm doing for the summer. none. someone decide for me. and remind me that staying in beloit for a dumb boy is a dumb idea. b/c beloit is teh sux0rs.

Saturday, April 19, 2003

So...Anger Management was a fried movie. That's the only word for it. Fried. Some parts were funny...mostly it was just fucked up. Although now I have "I feel pretty" in my head and an incredible urge to see West Side Story.

So I woke up to the sounds of unfamiliar voices in the kitchen...and apparently was still in a half sleep because I got up, looked around, had no idea where I was, when it was, and what was real and what I had dreamt. The unfamiliar voices turned out to be the gp's, but it still took me another 20 minutes to sort everything else out. How odd...

Well the pirating is complete, the hardware is ready, and the fun begins.

That's right, sound editing for Players has officially started! Come on by and have a listen if you fancy, and then give some feedback.

I'm excited.

Oh what a night...

Friday, April 18, 2003

And as Robin Williams says: Fuck it all.

Where is everyone?! No posts since pirst fost at 12am?! This is an outrage!
Ok, I lied when I said I was disappearing, but it's close enought o thr truth. I've got so much work in the next few days...
*Heavy sigh*
I determined that I only have 4 emotions: Happy, insane, bored, and depressed...I should work on that....
Today's a depressed day...

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Between best friends and personal opinions, my life has become too complicated to contemplate.

The past is the past, we cannot change it. But should it affect the future? I'm not sure there's one solid answer to this question, but any idea is worth pondering.

It's so much fun to go to church when I don't believe in any of it...

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to disappear for three weeks. I hold Ms. Grady mostly responsible, but the other teachers do have some hand in it...
I may reemerge from my studious (sp?) state for Prom (don't worry Eddie, you'll still have a hot date (; ), and the play as well....other than that, don't expect to see me much...

So today was just basically bleck. The weather took a turn for the worse, as did my mood. Wyn's relationship took a turn for the major worse...and yet it looks like they can actually be friends.

However...I DID drive to school this morning. And I stopped at 711...and parked...and reversed!

No offense, Nick, but too much leet speak makes me goofy. I like english speak, like "see spot run..."

Getting As in a cool subject: nice.
Enjoying a class: awesome
Having a teacher who loves blowing stuff up as much as you do: Priceless.

P.S. If you don't know to whom I refer than you don't live here or live under a rock.

the need to post drove me mad. so I did.

happy passover to the jews...!
happy easter to everyone else! (if u celebrate easter...)

sorry guys, really bad with religion...

anywho, i got a LONG awaited haircut! and not just a trim, cut off a GOOD NUMBER of inches (not that anyone has really seen it...oh well)
going away for the weekend tomorrow...but visitors today ;o) YAY! So everyone, have a GREAT weekend and holiday and I will be back to troll on Sunday!

pirst fost, simply because i can. for the first time in 20 years, i am not observing passover. at all. no seder, no matzoh, no nothing. i have to much work to do.

i'm not sure how i feel about this.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

I DROVE!!! For like an hour and a half! All around! And with real cars and traffic lights and four way stops and evil old women and bicyclers. At one point it was like something right out of driver's ed, I was cutting through a neighborhood and there was a dad and his kid playing catch on the street, a kid riding his bike, a car coming at me, a guy walking his dog, and a car parking. Jesus. But then I stopped stressing out over the little things =)...however, i still am scared of squirrels.

It's soo hot up here...
Yay! The weather is fabulous.
Thank you all for your suggestions on how to add drama to my life (particularly the ones involving Orly...), but I'm still bored! Kelsey said to me today, "Heather! You need a spring in your step!". That's just what I need. I need to find a place where they sell springs for my step...K-mart, perhaps? Maybe Target...and those would be relatively cheap...

Eddie: I'm totally addicted to this chocolate-orange drink!

I got my permit! And after taking the test, I feel exceptionally stupid for stressing over it for a few days. They gave me the same question THREE times. And what was the question? A picture of a No U Turn sign with the words: "What does this sign mean?" Mon dieu. So then my mom and I went and got ice cream at Rita's =).

So now I'm home doing work so I can hopefully go out and drive later...and listening to Carmina. I don't know why, but I have the CD from Paula (complete with translations) and I wanted to see what the translations were. Well boys, little do you know that when you sing "Si puer cum puellula..." you are actually singing " If a boy with a girl tarries in a little room, happy in their mating..." and so on. Oh yes, Carmina is even more sexual then we thought. You are also really saying things like "May God will, may the gods grant what I have planned in my mind: that her virginal bonds I may unchain. Ah!"

today was pretty darn good... but esooper random

Deb and I went to Woodbury Commons (BOONIES!) and went mad shopping...

my sister said the clothing i bought was TRASHY..haha, so i told her to look in a mirror....

hmm...and then i went out w/ the sketchiest person alive...he's nice, but druggie and so ADD....deb had lifeguarding :( but i got more edgemont gossip! and i got cheese fries too....YUM


p.s. Pirst Fost!

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Oh drama...
I want some! How come everyone else is having interesting/dramatic stuff going on? Someone help me! Find me some excitement, or I may die of boredom...

Not posting usually means...drama! And indeed, that has been the case.

But to leave you in suspense: Choices are coming...Secrets are beautiful...Trying to understand me gives some migranes and others joy.

Oh, David Hasselhoff....

My new favourite Woehr quote: "I'm sorry to rush you, son! You were emoting!!"

I took a nap...tehehe...

Well I beg to differ from Heather's comment of things weren't really eventful today...yeah...

I'm single, as of lunchtime today.

After school postage.
Well, so far, the only outstanding thing of the day has been the weather. It's absolutely gorgeous out! And we picnicked (sp?). Soo nice.
But outside of that.....pretty uneventful....
Bleh. I totally need some excitement...

If you see someone rocking back and forth sobbing in the corner, than that would be me. E--n F----n just violated me in the lab, in front of everyone! I will wear a paper bag over my head until further notice. And say no to Bonobo Monkey Love.

so i'm here, being cool and posting on the community blog. i just typed this sentence without looking at the keyboard. that is pretty freaky. whoo.

my official happy song is the musical masterpiece "i like it like that" by the blackout all stars. Yeah, baby! i'm sure you have all heard of this song, however, i would like to restate the beauty and elegance of this musical work. its mastery in rhythm is second only to its unparalleled lyrical genius. what the heck am i talking about ??

Monday, April 14, 2003

I learned a new word today:
Lolo Vivi
it means "sweet love" in African.

We found the coolest new coffee shop tonite, and I had fondue for the first time! And I got to leave my house today! YAY!!!

*sorry, very hyper*

Cherry Garcia...a pint...all to myself....woohoo!
Dinner at Katie's tonight was fabulous. Thank you, hun!!
And I also gained some perspective and insight.
And how bout that Carmina rehearsal? And getting insulted by Mr. Woehr? Soo fun! =) No but I actually did have a good you could tell from me laughing hysterically instead of singing.
And good girltime as well. As we decided, "Who needs boys when you can have girltime?" (No offense boys, but you do cause quite a bit of angst for us).

Still in a bad mood though. I once more need a hug.

Good mood out of an "ish" day. My room is frickin' hot. And I can taste again!! Woohoo! ...And I've gained perspective.

listening to why georgia now. john mayer, if you read this community blog, i'd like you to know that you are a musical beast. and i mean that in a good way

Why? Why, georgia, why?

man, that rehearsal of carmina was funny. in a good way.. i really didn't know that gabe and melissa were that good (Read: had such freakishly high voices) i love my deep baritone voice, when it isn't afflicted with a cold. it tucks me in at night ,gives me a goodnight kiss, and then comforts me with songs in latin. Note: I'm just kidding.

And I lost my train of thought.

So I'm at school...and will be until 7. Dance rehearsal was really uplifting though. Actually doing something as opposed to moping around and eating even though I'm sick and can't taste is a very good thing and now I'm all motivated. Or, rather, slightly motivated...ish. Upbeat is a better word. However, 530-7 rehearsal of Carmina bodes not well.

BUT...IT'S MY 16TH BIRTHDAY! And tomorrow (or Wednesday) when AAA is open...I shall (hopefully) get my permit! And be able to drive legally! And I get cake and today can't be all that bad. =)

Plus, people were there to give me much needed hugs.

This day, so far, has been working incredibly hard to destress me. And so far, it's worked. However, the 5:30 - 7 Carmina rehersal back to back with 7 - 8:30 play practice is forcefully working to undo earlier destressedness.

Bend It Like Beckham was a great movie! I thought it was going to be some sort of corny chick flick, but it really wasn't.

Rachel and I had a great talk on the way over. Rayyyyy, I miss talking to you. It was so great. We hugged, and Lauren told us we were being really corny.

Our bus driver seemed to be having problems with the gas and break pedals, as in he couldn't find them, or kept forgetting which was which. On the way back, Rachel said "Now we're going to...New Jersey??" It was pretty funny. Also, we drove past Warmdaddy's. Anyone remember that place?

Ahhh, someone (who shall remain nameless) told me I should smoke some pot to calm myself down.

Tommmmmm...I need to talk to you. To be really cryptic...the 28th (think...) might not work. Shiittttt.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Rachel...go where YOU think is best. That's my opinion on where you should go.

My trachea is constricting. Not really, but it feels that way. School days are rapidly diminishing, and I'm starting to panick. My neck is getting tense, and I'm getting a feeling in my stomach. I have so much to do. I still have to read another chem chapter, I have to do physio workbook stuff, I have a physio test on Friday, I have a physio exam the following week. I'll have a chem final, and probably webassign and another test, which he has yet to put on the blackboard calendar. Along with that I have to write my autobiography, and I'll basically fail if I don't get it in by blue and blue day, and I'm in the worst time crunch. Plus, I have yet to figure out my senior project schedule, because no one seems to want to tell us when the AP class schedule is, and I can't figure out the schedule until I know that. Then there are APs, the play, prom...all things I can't even really look forward to because they are so bittersweet. I'm not ready for this time to be over. I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm not ready. And the suckiest thing ever is that I'm so not ready and it's happening anyway.

Bubble baths are the best thing ever!!!!!
Soooo relaxed...

Yeah. The 8 Mile Soundtrack is really good.

To repeat what the rest have already said: Eddie, the party simply rocked. It was amazing. Thank you!

Yeah, things are definately looking up.

Absolutely great weekend. Awesome party last night - I sooo need that. Merci beaucoup!

Yeah, great party Eddie!! I seriously getting pirst fost at 10 a.m.??

I was so happy people liked my fruit platter! And the chicken was really good...tell your parents thank you!!

Saturday, April 12, 2003

there was a man who was tired
yet his raps, they flowed so inspired
quick hitting the sack
to relax the rack
his body was juiced, it was wired!

It was quite a good night. Thanks, Eddie! You threw an awesome part-ay!
And I get to wake up bright and early tomorrow for church. Joy.
But then I get to go prom dress shopping! yay! No, not for me, for someone else (I, unlike some people - Kat - am happy with one dress).
ummm....yeah, colour me foolish...

Who just watched 5 hours of "I Love the 80s" on Vh1....I DID I DID!!! U know yur all jealous that you did not get to watch 1985-1989....

From when I spoke to Deb sounded like everyone was having fun...yay! I'll catch u all next time... :o)

So tired. But 'twas a really fun night. Hot tubs are really really good things...even when they make me delirious and almost drunk from the steamy heat...;-)

Driver's Ed quotes:
"Some mechanic tighten 'em up so hard that you can't unscrew the lugnuts." (leaving the band, album, and songs to Heather)

And then, on our break, as we talk about Mickey Mouse..."I wonder if, while they're patting their heads or fucking them..." Yes, c'etait moi. Don't really know what was going on there, just kinda popped out.

So the run was good (well, outside of the whole vomitting bit...). Thanks for the company, Debra!
New lows in Drivers Ed:
-At least half the class was playing games/text messaging on their cells (Whitney actually answered a call).
-A video telling us to always check under the car for someone who might grab our ankles.
-New band: The Lugnuts, with a new album out: Unscrew the Lugnuts, and two hit singles: "Tighten It Up (With a Wrench, Wench)" and "Use Your Hands (If You're Strong Enough)".

no phone road trip in the ghetto saab...being sick sux!

i am SO angry at the camping trip. nothing good came out of it. it tore apart the a-school, got everyone sick, and has messed up spring break. *tho, the one good thing was that i got a doctor's note, but now i really really am sick!* and i didn't even get the sexy throaty voice, i just lost it completely!
oh wellz....i'll see u all soon!
have esooper fun tonite!!!

This morning my alarm went off at five of seven. Yep, 6:55. Earlier than I get up for school. Why? Because I had a doctor's appointment out in ambler, for my foot. For my foot which stopped hurting me after I took some pain killers for my back. But Thursday night when I touched it, it still hurt. This morning when I touched it, it didn't hurt. But to be safe, my mom said we should go anyway. They said I had a 7:45 appointment. When we got there at 7:45, the place was locked. My mom knocked and knocked, and finally someone let us in. Even though they had told us the appointment was at 7:45, it was really at 8. They were trying to make sure we'd be on time, so as not to make the doctor late with the rest of her appointments. That's pretty mean. And all the doctor told me was that if I'll be walking around a lot, I should wear sneakers, not flip flops. And she gave me a couple pieces of paper with foot stretches.

We got home at 8:45, and I went back to sleep. I woke up at 10:30. Too early, I thought, I'll get up at 11 and go to set crew. When I woke up again, it was 12, too late to go to set crew, and I was still waiting for the coffee and fries I'd ordered in my dream.

Alas. I will have to go to set crew on Monday. Now I have two chapters in my autobiography to write, and a voice lesson at 3:30.

[edit] I'm pretty sure my mom'll let me go to Scarsdale!!

Last night was a good girl's night. Good talk. Good food. Good movies. Must see: Dead Again. OMG. It's got thought, romance, and scary mystery thriller stuff. Plus a Kenneth and an Emma, so you can't go wrong.

So last night was good (Harry Potter-ing it up, actually getting stuff done on my block project).
And now I'm running to the Rec with Debra. Woohoo for me getting off my lazy ass!

Friday, April 11, 2003

Robot Update:

CHAbots ended the day in 17th [out of 72]!

I thought for a moment, hmm... where is everybody? but then I realized it's a Friday night.

Robot Update:

Well, they were in 13th place (!), but they just lost their last match. I can't find out what place they're in until right before their next match, so if I see another match i'll keep you posted.

Robot Update:

I don't know if they played any matches before the one I just saw, and my computer went nuts before I could see what place they ended up in. But... they won the match: 62 to 10!

Where am I? AT FREAKING SCHOOL. Yes, folks, I'm at school, and all I want to do is go home. But by go home, I mean go home in a freaking car, not walk home or take the train. My bookbag is especially heavy today, and I have miscelaneous things to carry, it's cold and wet out, I have a cold, and I don't want my back or foot to start hurting again. This blows.

I am sooooo glad that I made it to the weekend...
So tonight consists of: my block project. And perhaps a date with some hot boys (Jeff, Till, Wood, all know you're jealous...)

TGIF. I no longer hold anything to this acronym. Today sucked. If anyone wants to hear bitching about Mr. Woehr, kindly contact me or Steve and we can tell you all about....but the summary is that he was being a major @$S...ugh.

beleive it or not...the Doc saved the day. so for those of you who say he doesn't care...he did today. and he really helped me and Steve when he could have left. so there!

now, besides my bitter rantings...lots of fun this weekend. yay! I am finished with my in school "blogging it up."

raise your hand if you have a final in less then 4 hours!!

::hand goes up::

now, if you've been trying to study and failing since 2am, keep it up there!

::hand wavers, bur hand does not come down::

and if you haven't fallen asleep once in since you woke up this morning, well, keep your hands up and try not to be too disappointed in yourselves!

::keeps hand up, looks at self with a glare of disgust and panicked stress::

Dear Everyone -- yes, college is really like this.

I'm sorry.


dear Amy Sarno,

Fuck you in the skull.


between my persuasion assignment from hell and this wretchedly absurd soc final i have tomorrow, i'm feeling alternately scared out of my mind and violently angry at the world. is it over yet?

how bout now?




pirst fost...

i need to go to sleep...i feel super sick. cuz i'm sick from sleeping in the snow and my mom made me eat meatloaf tonite cuz she said "i need red meat" but i don't like red meat! it does not agree with my tummy :o(

oh, and my dad had another blogworthy quote...but as deb said earlier, don't you hate when you forget what you had to blog!?
my brain stopped and hasn't re-started yet...

Thursday, April 10, 2003

I'm feeling worse about the Melissa thing. No one should have to hear themselves being talked about.

Yo, classic moment today:

"flourtown rhapsody"

the percussion beat
of semper crescis
combined with the slap-slap-slap of my feet
makes a crescendo, that you'll never meet

Sometimes, things really bother me. Does this ever happen to you?

On another note, as I was about ten minutes into my rant about Melissa, when who popped her head around the side of the senior retreat? If you guessed Melissa, you're right! I was about to reenact how she falls. I don't know how long she was standing there, but I had been complaining about how she's sitting at my table at prom &c. I feel pretty bad, but I still don't want her at my table.

Ok, I'm going to focus on my work now.
I swear.... mind is sooo in another country....perhaps on another planet....maybe under the sea....under the sea of another planet...with strange alien fishies....and eels...electric eels....

See what I mean!?


EUPHF. Just euphf. Save me.

April 9th, 2003-------------------------

Final theatrical trailer (2:30).

Launch dates:

Sooner than Friday in London; before Saturday in New York; way before Sunday in Sydney; significantly earlier than Monday in Tokyo. The rest of the world: between now and Tokyo.

I saw the "Final theatrical trailer" headline and was really excited, only to be let down. Dang those Matrix madmen!

Free period. Woohoo!
It seemed sort of pointless to go down to SS since we have an assembly up here next period...

So today's been pretty easy. Mr. Stein had a meeting so we didn't have an hour of bio, and then we didn't have study hall. So I spent that free getting my Orly fix for the day =). (Go check out the new Pirates of the Caribbean trailer - soo cool!).

And now...I suppose I'll go do homework...fuuun...

Oh, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets comes out on video tomorrow. Feel free to rent it and come save me from doing block project work tomorrow night.

::edit:: To all of you this applies to: Just keep breathing. It's all going to work out. I promise. :) and if it doesn't, feel free to hold me personally responsible.

Top Ten Things Iraq's Information Minister Has To Say About The War

10. "We're pulling down the statues of Saddam to have them cleaned"

9. "Don't believe that stuff you see on CNN...or NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox or MSNBC"

8. "If you ask me who the winner is, it depends on what your definition of 'is' is"

7. "Iraqi television is off the air because we didn't want you to have to sit through 'Becker'"

6. "Do you know of any job openings for a lying weasel?"

5. "Wolf Blitzer and I are engaged"

4. "Iraqis are in the streets celebrating Cher's 40 fabulous years in show business"

3. "Incoming!"

2. "Saddam's not dead -- he's just out with a case of the shingles"

1. "War? What war?"

posting from the cave for the first time ever, i think. its pretty cool.. i have nothing to fill up this post. oh, baby.

tom: i think that the spring concert is the 21st, unless i'm just blatantly wrong.

ed: is this party a blogsclusive (new word?) thing, or what? i don't see you during the school day at all, so its all good

The math graded item wasn't too bad. My throat hurts real bad, so I don't think I can sing in chambers.

Good morning, bloggers!
It's Thursday! Woohoo! One more day...
And around lunchtime, I become an orphan. Luckily, I'll have a babysitter. ;)

And, miracle of miracles, I have three, for serious, THREE controlling ideas for my block project paper!!!

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

i found my american spirit today, guys

it was underneath my dresser

Kevin said he talked to will sears and told him to leave me alone.

I don't think I ever posted about what I said to some kid in Jamie's class. I was in the CHA computer room yesterday and this kid called me beatbox as soon as I walked in. I ignored it and started to go on a computer, when Stan Parker came and spotted my water bottle. "That's not a water bottle, is it?" he said. "No, of course not," I said, and instead of throwing it out, I logged off the computer I was about to use and headed out. The kid called me beatbox again, and, fed up, I stopped, turned to him, and said "You don't talk to me. Ok? You don't talk to me." Now, I wasn't screaming, I simply said it in a serious, authoritative tone. After I said the first "you don't talk to me," everyone in the room turned to look at me. It was pretty funny. And he had nothing to say in response. Later, I went in again and heard him telling a cluster of boys from his class that I "spazzed out at him" earlier, which is a lie. But if they think I spazzed, maybe they'll be afraid, and leave me alone. I'm just sick of being disrespected by freshmen.

Listening to Dashboard. 'Nuf said.

quote of the minute:

just kidding.

Rachel, BREATH. Seriously. You're a strong, resiliant woman, who can handle anything.

i got a note from my doctor today and now i am home sick and i am NOT going to the bahamas...which means i get to see all of you this weekend! yay!

but i think the girls who i was supposed to go with are super angry with me...but it's a complicated situation. they didn't convey to me the fact that it actually mattered to them that i was going because i thought i was just the 4th one who was tagging along.

too late now...but now i am home and i had sushi for lunch with my mommy, which was super. next off to babysit.

it seems everyone is in somewhat of a better mood today...must have been those naps...

I need to study for physio. It's almost the weekend. If I keep telling myself that, it'll be true soon. My chem test wasn't too bad, but that's because I read the chapter, and cause there were not many MC or short answer problems. On friday I have free from 12 - 2. I'm so excited! Maybe I could actually get some of my autobiography done. There's a thought.

So I'm here...avoiding getting to study hall for as long as possible...
I overslept this morning, so I haven't fully woken up eyes don't really feel completely open.
I also missed breakfast. =(
*rumblerumble* - that was my stomach.
Hopefully there will be more people in school today than there were yesterday...

So this morning in "Chapel Chat", the 9th graders gave speeches. One was on how we get too much homework (it was really well done, by the way). And so I get to math, and guess what? I think Ms. Tkac got the message wrong because she gave us an obscene amount of work for tonight.

And I'm suddenly overwhelmed by the really loud sound of typing in here...

despite being stressed out beyond belief about the EIGHT papers i have due by friday, i have done none of them. and instead, argued judaism with daid, watched about 8 trillion episodes of family guy and the simpsons with kris and daid, and talked about pets (and my lack of them) with kris and daid. i suspect that once daid gets back from smoking, i will continue to not get work done. pirst fost, etc.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

"all right, its evil spirits time" -Rivers Cuomo

evil spirits lurk on this blog, or so i fear. i will drive them away with will smith's fresh beats

"yo i'm the prince and that's jazzy jeff
we've shown for YEARS that we are def
we're here some more for you to just come get it
rip the wheel j- *wikiwiki* HIT IT"

I took a good two hour nap from 5 to 7 when I got home. It was so sorely needed. I feel a lot better now. However, now I'm fully awake to stress about my chem and physio tests tomorrow, neither of which I've read for. And by "read" I don't mean Christa's definition (as in, I haven't annotated and rewritten and memorized it word for word). I mean I haven't even picked up my chem textbook except to use Appendix C in the back for webassign, and I only flipped through physio to find answers to workbook problems.

Top 10 chick flicks of all time (in no specific order):
10) Sabrina - the original. Yeah, I know the second one's still good...but Audrey and Humphrey.
9) Pretty Woman. Of course. And Richard Gere is just oh so yummy.
8) Gone With the Wind. It's a classic...and I can't ignore it. No matter how much we all hate Vivian Leigh.
7) When Harry Met Sally. With the most famous orgasm scene in history.
6) Steel Magnolias. Gotta throw some tear jerkers in there. And more Julia never hurts.
5) A Streetcar Named Desire. Young Marlon Brando. Need I say more?
4) Clueless. Because how sweet is that part when Josh and Cher finally get together. "Are you me?"
3) Sleepless in Seatle. More Meg Ryan...but with all the chick flicks she's done, is it really avoidable?
2) The Way We Were. Barbara Steisand and Robert Redford. Sigh. And I once did a monologue from it.
1) Titanic. I know, I know...but for so long no guys would see it just BECAUSE it was such a chick flick.

i can totally sympathize with everyone who has had a shitty day today. i slept in the snow this weekend, cried, my body hurts like a mo, had to sit in a meeting with the entire a-school yelling at each other and the teachers just sat there not saying anything, then i come home and the guy who i like tells me that some girl two years older than him grabs him and makes out with him in a bar last nite (which was rather upsetting...there is more to that story tho...)

But I have two solutions for people having bad days:

1.) Take a NAP! u feel lots better
2.) Get a best friend!

I have the BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!! I wish everyone had a Debra Swersky...but u have to find yur own, cuz she's mine. :o)

I got some good advice, and I'm deleting my blog. It doesn't say much anyway. Too much crypticism. Anything worth mentioning can be mentioned here. And if it needs to be private, I have an actual journal (you know, one of those old-fashioned things you write in with a pen??). So say bye-bye to "Life, and then some". And feel free to remove the link on this page to it. =)

Heather was right. What a fucking crappy day. I only went to school for one reason, and that reason stayed home. My mom said I could stay home from school today, but I figured I'd go. It was horrible, and I had at least five breakdowns.

Things to do: sing, sing some more, homework, projects, work out.
Things I want to do: sleep (notice how it just doesn't fit into my schedule)

On a lighter note, I CAN do everything I want to do next year with help from my Drawing and Painting III ISP =).
...and the weekend approaches minute by minute.
...and I'm starting to enjoy History again. Pity it's so close to the end of the year.

So why is the school so cold? They turned off the heat. Why? It's spring. There's snow on the ground. See a problem?

What a crap of a day.
All of you who didn't come to school for various reasons had the right idea.

I need a hug...

Quote of the afternoon:

"It's hilarious! I hear him coming on and I run to go watch the TV. It is pure entertainment to see what he says next! He makes up words, tells us that we are's really funny." - BoMo on the Iraqi Director of "Intelligence"

"I'm trying to establish diplomatic relations with the Monty-bird" - Wyn.

Good times in the cave.

What a horrible day. And my mom said I couldn't go home early.

Quote of the morning:

"Did you just call me one of your 'peoples'? What makes up one of your peoples anyway? It's not like I would just show up with The Roots or something." - Andrew

there's no place like home...there's no place like home...
honest to goodness...i have never appreciated running water and my bed SO MUCH.
i had the best sleep EVER.


Good Morning, everyone!
It's going to be another dismal, icky day out there. Ick.
Just think: We're one day closer to the weekend. Woohoo!
=) I have to have something to look forward to...

first post. woo.

kris: like, i know a lot of songs, i just don't know who they're by.
m'ris: right, that's why you have me.
kris: right, 'cause you know everything! ::smiles::

have i mentioned that i love my roommate?

within the last 12 hours, i mean.

Monday, April 07, 2003

i'm BBBBBAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKK!!! and a day early no less! Honestly, I thank god for JAPs (Jewish American Princesses) right now. If it weren't for the fact that my friend can't live without her cell phone, we'd still be sleeping in the snow right now. This camping trip was HORRIBLE and I can't even describe it in words.

But it was SO GREAT to come and regain FEELING in my body, and see Deb, AND SYRACUSE WON!!!! it was INTENSE...I need to go to bed before I lose it now. G'nite!
BARK 27!!!!



Sweet. I like it Beetlebum, very nice.

Nick: It has pop up ads, but link it anyway!

so today was good. carmina is really funny when we practice it. especially when the two different 'pariter e medio' (equally out of the middle.. wha?) decide to manifest themselves. there is the gruff, beastly, 40-yr-old with a beergut one. that one is cool. he is my buddy. unfortunately, he is also flat. to compensate for this flatness, the shrimpy, pretty-boy pariter comes out of the woodwork, kicks the beastly pariter in the balls, and takes control of my vocal cords. visualize like edward norton beating up brad pitt in fight club. even though that never happened, it did today. so, shrimpy was good (surprisingly), but he sounded like a word that i will not mention here for the sake of younger bloggers, if there are any that is. so, the battle was won today by ed 'shrimp' norton. but the beast will return to kick more ass, he just needs a little kick in the... pants.

this is what happens when you post at 10:30, half-awake, fundamentally needing to go to bed.

I could've sworn I posted around 5:30....
Oh well.
I went to IKEA tonight!!! Sooo much fun.
And now I'm very tired ("pooped", as it were).

I decided not to complain to my mom about the snow.

If I've heard it once, I've heard it a million times. The same thing, without fail, if I ever mentioned snow coming at such a late time in the season...

"You know, the year your brother was born, there was a huge snowstorm..."
[My brother, by the way, was born 20 years ago today].

The snow was annoying, though. Especially when it covered the windshield of my car, and there I was, without even so much as mittens to help brush the snow off. Grand.

Wow. I think the pretty smelling fumes of paint at set have played with my mind, because I actually feel slightly solid about the Moyer DBE. This is a new, unique, and wonderful feeling. More would be nice...

Question: Why? This in reference to the weather. It is APRIL. We have SCHOOL. This SUCKS. BECAUSE it snowed, my mom got hit in a car crash and what not. At least time is tickin on our 2 MONTHS LEFT. Excuse the CAPITALS as BITTER RAVING.

As I was walking hobbling to the train station, the sleet pelting me in the face, freezing through five layers of shirts, I realized how ironic it is that every time I wear my Strawberry Shortcake "Life Is Delicious" shirt, I have a bad day. I'm retiring that shirt.

I came home and took a nap. I put in earplugs, so when my alarm went off, even though I'd set it really loud, I didn't hear it. My mom woke me up about five or ten minutes before I had to be at play practice, so I put some meatballs in a container, had a few apple slices, and my mom drove me to play practice. She wouldn't let me drive myself because of the weather, even though I'd told her I'd be able to leave early. Bah.

In short: not the best day. I didn't go to photo because it was blizzarding, and Pete has a 20 degree rule.

Who had school today? We did. And there WAS snow on the ground. And Philly slush. And ice. And I had to walk back and forth numerous times. How much does the weather hate me? This much ::holds her arms as far apart as they go::
BUT...I don't have a lot of homework. Meaning I will be working on my block project. And my English project. Problem is...I'd rather work out.

I'm done with this weather. I hate hate hate hate HATE it! So now I have to take the train home, carrying my chem textbook, my pocketbook, my camera, and my bookbag. And it's cold out. Why isn't it warm like it was last week? UGH!!

So, it's snowing. In the middle of April. What is this crap?!?! I decided I wasn't going to walk down for photo in this weather, so I'm in the springside tech lab. I really need to do some work.

Damn! She got pirst fost! Well...I guess I shouldn't be greedy and expect it two nights in a row.

My only problem with the bold text, is that I can't tell it to go bold, cause it already is.

Anyhow, Tom and Kevin and Anthony all tried to hoola hoop at play practice today. It needed to be mentioned. If you'd like to see a reenactment of Tom (no, Tom, you don't move your legs while hoola hooping!), just ask me. Kevin was pretty funny too, especially because the hoola hoop was of the smaller kind. Anthony was less spastic than both Tom and Kevin, but still quite amusing. Oh, boys.

Sunday, April 06, 2003 it when I go to tennis and then remember I haven't done all the history reading for Moyer's DBE/Q tomorrow. And I have a word trace for Rock. Good night all, you will find me rocking in the corner weeping with the American Spirit in front of me (closed, naturally.)

Day light savings time really fucks up some people.

I can't stand losing an hour it is I lose an hour to.


WOOOO HOOOOO I am sooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!

There were a bunch of four digit numbers on the CD, and I was really confused, until I was installing and it asked for the serial code.


I have a thesis paragraph!! ::stands on chair and does victory dance:: Now I can go driving (illegally)!!

I like the new blog layout. Kudos.

Greatest book in the world: The Preppy Handbook. Before the dance, I was at the Pringles and Sue got it out...omg...sooo funny. Tells you how to dress preppy, talk preppy, live preppy from preppy ways to say "have sex" (horizontal rumble, hide the salam, or parallel parking) to preppy schools and colleges (and Nat, Reed is on the preppy list), to how to have a preppy wedding (never have enough food), cocktail party, or tailgate party (don't forget the case of beer for you son's friends, white wine for the women, bloody mary mix, stale stoned wheat crackers, liquor, a whole stuffed turkey, and oh, did I mention liquor?). Just so great...and I found a new way to say good-bye: We're golden.

Interesting points, made by Mrs. Hill, in english class on Friday:

Like corruption, denial isn't good or bad. You deny things every day to survive. Repression takes energy.

If I had adobe photoshop or illustrator, I'd have a little banner to link to my blog. Anyone have adobe photoshop and/or illustrator they'd like to share with me?

What a great night!!
And for once, that's actually not sarcastic!
I had such a blast, from dancing like a fool (with myself) to playing "pool".
Yay! Good times!

So. I don't check the blog for ONE DAY and it's TOTALLY DIFFERENT when I come back. Sheesh!! Good job, Nick!


I wonder if this thing'll change itself for daylight savings. I just lost an hour of my life. I'll get it back in the fall, but I want it now!!! Now that's one less hour of sleep, one less hour I'd have to write my life into another chapter, or do chem, or physio (I'm not gonna finish all my work tomorrow...noooo wayyyy).

Let's see...the dance was good for a while. Katie's was fun too. Trying to think of something terribly interesting about which to blog.

Ahh, I know. I flipped out yesterday. I kicked a chair halway across the CHA big gym and kicked my shoes off all the way across it. But I had some pretzels and felt a lot better.

I got stuff about housing from Penn the other day. That just made it all the more real. I guess to me college was still an idea, even after I got accepted. Since I got in ED, it just meant I had the safety of knowing I was into college, but that I didn't have to worry about it for a while. Now I have to read through booklets and papers and such, and try to figure out where I want to live next year. I think I either want some kind of suite, or a two bedroom double, or something similar (I'd take a three bedroom triple with a living room, too). I just want my own bedroom, and not so much a traditional dorm style (aka 6' by 6') room.

[edit] I was just observing who has an alias versus who has their actual name...pretty much it's me, Tom, Nick, Natalie, and the wink who don't have our actual names on here. No real point to that.

AHH!! NICK!! Where are the archives???

Saturday, April 05, 2003

If your scroll over Dieck's image on the left [the pink check mark, near the bottom], it says:

This is emo. We all love emo.

Somehow, I don't feel quite right about that...

Anyway, the new layout looks awesome!

And a big WELCOME! to all of the new members. Wait.. why aren't we a Blog of Note yet?

5K. 20:45. I was tired.

So I had wondered, "Would I miss much if I no longer visited the blog?"
And the answer is:
I missed so much just skipping one night!!

But I'm back now...

And soo incredibly pumped for the dance...
(I swear, there's no sarcasm in that sentence...)

And to my Driver's Ed buddies...was there really a point to that awfully depressing movie?!?!

Some random inspiration:

Ancient Taoist master-teachers often used paradox and metaphor to open up their students' minds to new ideas, new awareness, and profound understandings of deep forces and unseen interconnections. Does the body, indeed, think? It does when you cease to interfere with its deep-seated intelligence, known as instinct or intuitive physical response. Does the mind dance? It does when you free it to flow with life's natural processes, when you lossen your tendency toward critical judgement and control.

-Thinking Body, Dancing Mind

This movie was one of the 2002 finalists for the Chrysler Film Festival, and it's really worth watching.

damn you nick, how the hell did eddie and mike get cooler icons then i did?


kublacon. all weekend. farking gamers.

in following toms ever so clever format:

::ding:: Oberlin!

i got in!!!! whooooohoooo i was sooo excited and suprised.. except heres the funny thing: instead of sending me an acceptance letter, they sent me a tee shirt and a calling card... on the card out side of the tee shirt there it was written in small letters: your finally ready, congratulations on your admission to Oberlin... and i was like.. is this some kind of joke? a foolish tease to get me excited when really they are just giving me merchandise to their school and im still not accepted? and then i turned it over.. and it said that there was no need for peices of paper but instead this was my token of admission:) anyways.. an odd way to hear but soooooooo exciting.... and now... descions.. desicions...

Friday, April 04, 2003

So Heather and I spend most of the night at the mall people watching. That is, after we saw Agent Cody Banks - which was sooo good =). I want to be Hillary Duff. And I want Frankie Muniz. But now, we are dancing around the room like complete idiots to old *Nsync. It's quite fun. Break it down, baby.

Heather (about *Nsync) "They were good dancers...I bet they're still good dancers...)

Some of their lyrics are just so deep, like "I need love, you need love..." or "Here we go, one more time, everybody feeling fine. Yes, yes, yes, here we go, Nsync as got the flow!"

Memorable quote. Hehheh.

"I don't dumb down, but my point in playing lead is not to show the extremes of my technique, it's to try to say something melodically. But if you put a gun to my head and said, "Shred!" I could blow some mother f*ckers away. It would probably be shocking." Rivers Cuomo

Check this out - Mullet Haikus courtesy of Dave Barry's website. Gotta love it.
Whoops, forgot the link (pullin a Jeff...):

Finally...the much anticipated blog. and TGIF. what could be better?


This week went by surprisingly quickly. Last period, in english, Mrs. Hill turned the lights off and Lydia read us Alexander and The No Good, Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Day (or whatever it's called). We talked about being picked on when we were little, and she let us out five minutes early. I only missed one class because of the boys being out. BUT IT'S FRIDAY AND NONE OF THAT MATTERS!!!

Oh it's quite a's raining here! And guess what? It's going to rain all weekend... And guess what else?


usually I am all about the camping...full on GUNG HO. Four days in the woods, sleeping in tents, repelling, rock fires, it's awesome! But, when it rains...sitting in wet clothes for 4 days is not so fun.

PLUS, I'm missing the Syracuse game on Saturday! (Eddie: u have to tell me about the game next week, when I get back!)

Not in the mood...hope everyone else has a great weekend, I am ESOOPER jealous that you guys are having an 80's DANCE!

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Alex has saved my life, AP-chem speaking. He so graciously helped me with my chapter 21 webassign, and told me what an Sv is. I'd just like to publically thank you, Alex, for helping me! Thank you!!

We made ice cream in physio today. Man, was it good. We also had chem outside again, but the weather wasn't as nice as yesterday. It was a little nippy, in fact, so my legs were frozen by the time we were done.

I enjoyed just talking in the commons after the prom seating meeting (yes, I'm aware that that rhymed).

It's only 11. Again, I'm not tired, but I was an idiot and went to bed way too late last night. However, it's not like I don't have spanish, math, english, and chem homework I could be doing, but I don't wanna!!

Anyone know what's going on with Saturday? Who's going to OTB and who's going to the dance? Jamie wants me to go all out in 80s theme, but I don't want to.

I'm sure I had something more to say, just don't know what. Debra...I read your post the first time! I'd love to go...if I'm allowed.

Wanna buy a duck?

insert random bitching about concert choir here, followed by unneeded agitation, shameless pleas, and the knowledge that everything will turn out ok

ha gym today Hoover asked:

"Has anyone seen a sack of balls???"

tee hee hee...

Kat, on the subject of her grandmother giving her a gift:
"She's old, she doesn't need it!!"

I'm sure that soon enough you guys will all be wondering, "hey... where't Natalie?"

Right? Of course.

I'm at home. For now. Yes, silly me overslept. But later I'll be at Glenside Elementary, flying paper planes with little children.

I need more sleep than I get normally, but I hate oversleeping. That's life.

Well hey, I may as well get pirst fost then.

Rachel and guys ought to post. Did I mention that we had chem outside yesterday? It was so awesome - it was perfect weather, and we went over webassign and he pretty much told us the answers, with only a slight amount of guessing from us.

Just out of curiosity, who here smokes? Be honest. Because according to people in my spanish class "everyone smokes." Wow. I didn't know I did. In fact, I was positive I didn't. Well, maybe I don't fit into "everyone." Yeah, that must be it.

For once in the history of this entire year, someone's thong was NOT showing!! It was a MIRACLE! Can I get a hallelujah?

Tom: CONGRATS (again)!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't comment. You...blogger-but-not-on-AIMer!!! BAH!

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

My webassign is slowly going up. I mean chapter 21 webassign. I now have a 44/49. Someone PLEASE help me with 12 b & c and number 8. PLEEEASE!!

Nick is very powerful. He did a pelvic thrust in the lobby, and set a car alarm off all the way over at the skating rink!

I am an imaginary number
I don't really exist


what number are you?

this quiz by orsa

This is discouraging...

History anyone?

I am the number
I am friendly


what number are you?

this quiz by orsa

tom, if you don't blog it up soon, i'm going to make the announcement for you.

yes, that's a threat. =)

I am an imaginary number
I don't really exist


what number are you?

this quiz by orsa


Finally got to the Rec today. Chris and I held the wood in place while Deb screwed. =)
It was a yay! day. I'll let others elaborate, but my yay! is my pretty prom dress. =)

I am an imaginary number
I don't really exist


what number are you?

this quiz by orsa

I'm an imaginary number!? How curious...
Mad tired today...I want it to be Spring Break!! (but i have to tell the girls i'm not going...anyone have any ideas how i should tell them?)
In gym yesterday Hoover said 'Butt' and 'Shaft' in the same sentence! hahaha...still cracking up...

spent the night playing with wax, watching the ring, and not doing work. didn't go to bed til 7am today. haven't really slept since sun night. rest of the week doesn't look too great either.

in spite of it all, i'm in a pretty good mood. mostly 'cause my roommate is amazing. amazing.

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

I am the number
I am friendly


what number are you?

Now all these spanish-speaking people are commenting on my blog!!!

Un otro blog en espa�ol!

Estoy muy feliz!

WOO! So you all know how the blog went haywire and we were part spanish? Well, I followed a link to another blog, which was in spanish, left a comment (which was "Haha!") on a post, and the person commented on mine! :-D

I've been called fat at least twice today. First by Rachel. Here's how the conversation went...
Me: "Julia has the same prom dress as me!!"
Rachel: "Well, you're bigger than her."
Me: "Thanks! :/"
Rachel: "NO! I meant so you could beat her up!!"
Me: "Suuuuure."

I'm reading the spanish blog. It's quite fun!

So yes, alas. Julia has the same dress as me. Mine's not returnable though. Harumph.

Other than that, the two most exciting things of the day were that when I took the train (which I'd thought I'd missed, but it was just late), Hannah (from 10th grade) was there with her dad and a minivan to drive anyone who wanted a ride to school, and that Lampe let us out of double chem before even the 5th period bell rang. That's a first, and probably a last!

Oh, and I worked out finally! I did the EFX, because I decided I'm going to stop running, for the same reason I'm going to stop doing the chest press. I didn't have much time, but I did it for 17 minutes, and did some weights. Except crunches, which are really what I need to do most. I know I could do them at home, but I only get motivated to do them when there's exercise equipment around.

[edit] AHH! Look! In the spanish blog, it's ::drumroll:: imperfect subjunctive, which is what we learned today in spanish class (yes, she actually taught us)!!

American Idol rocks my world.
That's all I have to say. =)
and you guys say im emo....

Blech. It's been a stressful day. Too many history worries. I can't write an essay. Period. I just suck. I have to stress myself out over a solo that Meghan's going to get anyway. I have to do some major work on dance...AND I lost the lighting sheet. Arrrg.

Any ideas for a good birthday party/fun and cheap place to take a lot of people for dinner?